ByteSoft Bug Report Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have the misfortune to find a bug or other problem with any of my software products, please fill in this form and return it so I may assist you in any way that I can... Alternatively, visit my web site (at the URL Below) and complete the on-line bug report form: Please be aware that known bugs MAY already have been addressed and a suitable patch or bugfix may be available now or in the near future from the ByteSoft web site: Please fill in the details below, in as much detail as possible to enable me to try to replicate the problem in my fault finding: Your Name _______________________________________ Email address (If you do not have an e-mail address please tell me how to contact you) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ByteSoft Product _______________________________________ Version (eg 1.02) _______________________________________ O/S (eg Win95) _______________________________________ Processor (eg 486) _______________________________________ Memory in machine _______________________________________ Nature of problem _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Please send this form by email to, or by snail- mail to: ByteSize Software 29 Parker Way Halstead Essex CO9 1NS UK